Wisdom: Accepted or Declined? - Week 3

Feb 16, 2025    Ben James

Introduction: Hellfire and brimstone preaching can be harsh, and there are definitely wrong ways to do it. Many people can use the threat of hell as a way to manipulate people into making decisions. But many people preach with this kind of passion—like our group leader—because they really do love people and do not want them to perish. We can debate the most effective methods of evangelism and the best ways to go about it, but what we can’t debate is that there is an urgent need to plead with those headed toward destruction to repent and believe the gospel.

Shockingly, in Proverbs 1:20-33 Wisdom is presented as a “turn or burn” street preacher who appeals to “the inexperienced” to turn and not perish. Wisdom warns that we are heading for disaster because of our foolishness and brokenness. Wisdom pleads with us to repent. This passage is essential to rightly understanding the book of Proverbs and the biblical concept of wisdom. Ultimately, wisdom is not a set of ideas; wisdom is a person—Jesus Christ. You need to begin a personal relationship with him by faith. If you do, he will forgive your sin and give you his Spirit. This will lead you to wisdom for abundant life here and eternal life hereafter. But rejecting Wisdom—Jesus—will wreck your life here and condemn you eternally hereafter. Whether or not you have a relationship with Jesus determines if you walk in wisdom or in a way that seems right to you.

Key Takeaway: Part of living an abundant life in Christ is learning His wisdom now instead of learning about it later.

Main Points:

Wisdoms Plea v20-23

Wisdoms Warning v24-31

Wisdoms Summary v32-33

Memory Verse: “Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 

2 Corinthians 6:2b

Proverbs in Your Life: Today is not only the day of salvation, but it is the day to learn wisdom from God. Who will you be like: the proud and foolish, or the humble and willing?